Beloved Bapu, Oct. 2011 - Heritage walks | Heritage walk | Delhi walk | Delhi walks | Delhi Heritage walks, Delhi Metro walks, Heritage walks in Delhi
Sunday, March 9

Heritage Walk – Beloved Bapu’s Delhi address – Lesser known places scheduled for our visit on 2nd October
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Walk organized for Gyan Shakti Vidyalaya, Noida. Visit

  1. 7.30 – 8 am Birla Mandir–  Gandhi ji on 18 March 1939 inaugurated the temple and took part in the yagna only on the condition that people of all strata of society be allowed to offer prayers especially untouchables.

  2. 8.15 to 8.45 Valmiki Colony – here Bapu stayed in the Valmiki temple complex and just behind it was the Harijan Basti between April 1946 to and early 1947

  3. 11.30- 12 Harijan Sevak Sangh, Kingsway camp- An ashram was set up by Bapu here to oppose untouchability where he lived and worked when he came to Delhi from 1932 to 47

Between 2 & 3 we visited Gandhi Bhavan in Delhi University for their program for Bapu that included a welcome note by Prof. Ashum Gupta, Director Gandhi Bhawan, a minute silence for non-violence, musical tribute starting with Vaishnav Jan Te, short play on ‘Mahatma kyat um Jinda Ho’, Swami Satyeshananda Ji Maharaj Senior Monk, R K Mission reminded us on the principles of Satya, Tyaga and sewa and a closing speech by Chief Guest Prof. Vivek Suneja, Pro Vice chancellor, University of Delhi.

Students at Gandhi Bhawan with Prof. Vivek Suneja (in the centre), Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi